The European Chronicles 2024.17 - Pitztal, Part Two

Where Hiking Meets Philosophy

The Pillion POV has gone all woo woo (not that there's anything wrong with that) so, I suppose, it falls on me to describe the actual hiking.  ðŸ˜‚

First, let's clear up some terminology:  in New York we call it what it is, walking.  ðŸ˜Ž

That said, in my time BHR (Before Hip Replacements), I could barely walk or ride the Moto, so what we're doing now is a minor bionic miracle.  Very grateful for modern medicine!

This is Krisanne's "retirement ride," so hiking opportunities were high on the list, and Pitztal offers a target rich environment, to put it mildly.  Pitztal and the Vier Jahreszeiten are to hiking as the Dolomites and Bemelmans Post are to riding.  

There are too many options to list, but from the front door of the Vier Jahreszeiten you have four immediate directions:

Option One:  walk north along the river, to several small towns along the way, and many other paths heading up the mountain.

Option Two:  take the Rifflseebahn, literally right next to the hotel, up to the lake; there are about a bazillion paths leading in all directions.

Sometimes, you're even in a cloud.

Sometimes you're in sunshine

And sometimes, you hike yourself right out of your shoes...😂

Option Three: take the Glacier Express to the mid-point, hike many paths from there, or get on the Wildspitzebahn and hike from the very top.

Option Four:  cross the river (watch for horses), turn left and walk up into what Krisanne has named The Valley of the Waterfalls.

Horses and cows are your frequent companions.

Spoiled for choice and beautiful, on to the woo woo... 😎

The Pillion POV

Token Moto Photo



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