The European Chronicles 2024.11 - The Dolomites, Part Two

 More of the Best

Perfect weather, perfect ride.  Scenery not quite as dramatic as Sella and Pordoi, but almost devoid of traffic.  Some less famous, more open, passi - Lavaze, Pramadiccio, San Pellegrino, Valles, Rolle, Cereda, Marmolada, Costalunga - this loop gets saved.  ðŸ˜Ž. I love the Dolomites.

Rock 'n Roll all day long, a great ride.  Did I mention I loved this loop?

Relive 'Dolomites Loop 3'

AND...First Sticker!  They must have just replaced the sign!

On Passo Rolle

A fantastic day...

The Earth Pyramids

Europe's tallest Earth Pyramids are not far from Bemelmans, an easy hike away.  

They are cone-shaped pillars formed by deposited clay with a boulder on top.  They started forming after the last Ice Age, when the glacier in the valley started melting away.  In dry conditions, the soil is hard as stone, but when it rains, it becomes a soft muddy mass and starts sliding.  When there are rocks in the soil, they protect the soil under them from the rain, but the other soil continues to erode.  When the "top rock" topples off, the earth pyramid will eventually erode away.

The Pillion POV

Editor's Note: 



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