Horse Farkles
Space Farkles
Space Horse Farkles
Every vehicle needs farkles.

Let's start with the saddle. I wanted something "classic," i.e., leather, and a bit more comfortable than the stock saddle, which wasn't bad, but I thought it could be improved. Zeroed in on Brooks, the de facto standard for something like 200 years, and Selle Anatomica, a San Diego newcomer, at least compared to Brooks.
I liked the look and the idea of the Selle, the cut out is designed to allow your sit bones to rest on what become independent (somewhat) flexible pads, and to relieve "unwanted pressure." Works as advertised, and is comfortable right out of the box, no break in required. My last four rides have all been 20+ miles, not a single complaint. And, the copper rivets...well, how can you not like copper rivets?

Next up, water bottles. Mundane, you say? Of course, but you can't go anywhere in the desert without water, and lots of it. We have about a bazillion water bottles, but most are insulated or hard plastic, not really designed for the bottle cages.
The Closet Water Bottle Farm:

Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink. I need to off the briefcase; it serves no useful purpose! 😂
REI delivers...with a desert motif!

Adjusted the bars juuuuuuust a smidge higher.

Flats are always a possibility, so there's a pump and plug kit on board, and the tires are set up "tubeless," using Stan's sealant. Pump goes right under the water bottle cage.

Stan's is pretty interesting stuff, check out the Rollers of Death:
They have a plug tool called The Dart that will plug larger holes and chemically interacts with the sealant.
With any luck, I'll never need it, but it's on board, along with a small multi-tool. Where? In the new Frost River leather and waxed cotton totally hipster under seat bag.

Also good for several Kind bars. 😎
Now, to be seen and heard. A Spurcycle bell...

And a Knog seat post light, with a 330 degree viewing angle. Clever light, slides right off the mount, exposing a plug that goes into a standard USB socket, no cord required. Bright too.

Finally, a cell phone holder so I can keep a watch on the Relive app distance and speed. Shout out to the NY Time's Wirecutter column for their recommendation, $17 and works a treat.

Making my contribution:

It was actually World Bicycle Day, but I can't edit the video. 😂 It may be time for me to upgrade to the subscription Relive app. 😎
And I will say that the Jacuzzi always feels good after the ride...turn those jets on! Ahhhhhh...

Til next time!
Space Farkles
Space Horse Farkles
Every vehicle needs farkles.

Let's start with the saddle. I wanted something "classic," i.e., leather, and a bit more comfortable than the stock saddle, which wasn't bad, but I thought it could be improved. Zeroed in on Brooks, the de facto standard for something like 200 years, and Selle Anatomica, a San Diego newcomer, at least compared to Brooks.
I liked the look and the idea of the Selle, the cut out is designed to allow your sit bones to rest on what become independent (somewhat) flexible pads, and to relieve "unwanted pressure." Works as advertised, and is comfortable right out of the box, no break in required. My last four rides have all been 20+ miles, not a single complaint. And, the copper rivets...well, how can you not like copper rivets?

Next up, water bottles. Mundane, you say? Of course, but you can't go anywhere in the desert without water, and lots of it. We have about a bazillion water bottles, but most are insulated or hard plastic, not really designed for the bottle cages.
The Closet Water Bottle Farm:

Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink. I need to off the briefcase; it serves no useful purpose! 😂
REI delivers...with a desert motif!

Adjusted the bars juuuuuuust a smidge higher.

Flats are always a possibility, so there's a pump and plug kit on board, and the tires are set up "tubeless," using Stan's sealant. Pump goes right under the water bottle cage.

Stan's is pretty interesting stuff, check out the Rollers of Death:
They have a plug tool called The Dart that will plug larger holes and chemically interacts with the sealant.
With any luck, I'll never need it, but it's on board, along with a small multi-tool. Where? In the new Frost River leather and waxed cotton totally hipster under seat bag.

Also good for several Kind bars. 😎
Now, to be seen and heard. A Spurcycle bell...

And a Knog seat post light, with a 330 degree viewing angle. Clever light, slides right off the mount, exposing a plug that goes into a standard USB socket, no cord required. Bright too.

Finally, a cell phone holder so I can keep a watch on the Relive app distance and speed. Shout out to the NY Time's Wirecutter column for their recommendation, $17 and works a treat.

Making my contribution:

It was actually World Bicycle Day, but I can't edit the video. 😂 It may be time for me to upgrade to the subscription Relive app. 😎
And I will say that the Jacuzzi always feels good after the ride...turn those jets on! Ahhhhhh...

Til next time!