The European Chronicles 1.0 Arrival and the Technick Museums
The European Chronicles - Chapter 1
Arrival and the Technick Museums
I don't know how people do it, sleep on planes. Or any public transport, for that matter. I think I was traumatized many years ago when a guy across from me on an LIRR train fell asleep on his commute to work, drooled on his tie, woke up, shook his head, wiped it off and went on with his day. Something said, "I'm never doing that." Perhaps therapy would help.
Regardless, an uneventful trip, with decent legroom in United's "economy plus." Plus they give you wine. Not good wine, but wine. You suffer through.
Stefan, the motorcycle "B&B" proprietor, met me at the airport, along with another rider from Kuwait (more on that later). A reasonably quick drive to his compound through trees and farmland, and I'm reunited with (insert name to be given later, help me out here) my F800GT, all spiffed up and the battery connected. She starts right challenge down...yippie!

I dump my bags and, of course, tend to the horse first; a quick oil change is in order, she's been sitting for 6 months. Roll her into Stefan's shop, 30 minutes later done, put her on the charger to top up the battery.

Let's do a quick tour of Stefan's...there are bikes everywhere. The facility is solar powered (a 30 Kwh system), rain water is harvested, and there are rooms adjacent to the indoor storage and also on a second floor. Quite the operation, not lux by any means, but everything you need is right there at your fingertips.

Did you notice the plethora of Gold Wings? Every one of them is from Kuwait...go figure.

An impressively eclectic group of license plates:

And my personal favorite: TASMANIA 😁

The kitchen, breakfast is served at 7.

The help...some are more industrious than others...

The gear explosion...happy to say, everything came thru intact, no issues whatsoever. We now have 2 sets of complete riding gear here, and can travel carry on only. That's true luxury!

Some gratuitous Italian content because, Forza Italia!

Ok, she's all shined up and ready to go. I, however, need some sleep to stave off the drooling...

My first two days are spent with an easy ride along the picturesque Neckar River to check out the bike and sign up for ADAC (I really, really want to call it AC/DC) roadside assistance. Breakdown anywhere and they get the bike, and you, back (to Stefan's my German "home"). For only 85 euro/year. And you get MAPS, specific Moto-touring maps with all the good stuff highlighted. Free.

The highlight were the two Technik Museums, one in Sinsheim the other in Speyer. Quite amazing.
They have a Concorde and the Russian SST on display.

Incredibly small and narrow inside but, then again, you're not on board all that long.


Elf's fast six-wheeler

One that's somewhat slower (sorry for the blur)


Memories, mine was mustard yellow...

I don't know why, but I just love the Steib cucumber sidecars...Bonnie would look great with one!

From this:

To this:

All because Enzo pissed him off...😜
You can read backwards, right?

A German suicide U Boat

Krisanne, your ride's here!

The Russian space shuttle

I've always thought this is one of the prettiest cars BMW ever made, the 3.0 CSi

The Munch...totally fugly, but you'll have the only one on your block.

A stop at the Hockenheimring on the way back.

And some great Italian food at the Goldene Rose, where the wait staff speaks mostly Italian!

A wonderful Montepulciano

Enough of this sightseeing! Tomorrow begins the ride...Schwarzwald and into France!
Arrival and the Technick Museums
I don't know how people do it, sleep on planes. Or any public transport, for that matter. I think I was traumatized many years ago when a guy across from me on an LIRR train fell asleep on his commute to work, drooled on his tie, woke up, shook his head, wiped it off and went on with his day. Something said, "I'm never doing that." Perhaps therapy would help.
Regardless, an uneventful trip, with decent legroom in United's "economy plus." Plus they give you wine. Not good wine, but wine. You suffer through.
Stefan, the motorcycle "B&B" proprietor, met me at the airport, along with another rider from Kuwait (more on that later). A reasonably quick drive to his compound through trees and farmland, and I'm reunited with (insert name to be given later, help me out here) my F800GT, all spiffed up and the battery connected. She starts right challenge down...yippie!

I dump my bags and, of course, tend to the horse first; a quick oil change is in order, she's been sitting for 6 months. Roll her into Stefan's shop, 30 minutes later done, put her on the charger to top up the battery.

Let's do a quick tour of Stefan's...there are bikes everywhere. The facility is solar powered (a 30 Kwh system), rain water is harvested, and there are rooms adjacent to the indoor storage and also on a second floor. Quite the operation, not lux by any means, but everything you need is right there at your fingertips.

Did you notice the plethora of Gold Wings? Every one of them is from Kuwait...go figure.

An impressively eclectic group of license plates:

And my personal favorite: TASMANIA 😁

The kitchen, breakfast is served at 7.

The help...some are more industrious than others...

The gear explosion...happy to say, everything came thru intact, no issues whatsoever. We now have 2 sets of complete riding gear here, and can travel carry on only. That's true luxury!

Some gratuitous Italian content because, Forza Italia!

Ok, she's all shined up and ready to go. I, however, need some sleep to stave off the drooling...

My first two days are spent with an easy ride along the picturesque Neckar River to check out the bike and sign up for ADAC (I really, really want to call it AC/DC) roadside assistance. Breakdown anywhere and they get the bike, and you, back (to Stefan's my German "home"). For only 85 euro/year. And you get MAPS, specific Moto-touring maps with all the good stuff highlighted. Free.

The highlight were the two Technik Museums, one in Sinsheim the other in Speyer. Quite amazing.
They have a Concorde and the Russian SST on display.

Incredibly small and narrow inside but, then again, you're not on board all that long.


Elf's fast six-wheeler

One that's somewhat slower (sorry for the blur)


Memories, mine was mustard yellow...

I don't know why, but I just love the Steib cucumber sidecars...Bonnie would look great with one!

From this:

To this:

All because Enzo pissed him off...😜
You can read backwards, right?

A German suicide U Boat

Krisanne, your ride's here!

The Russian space shuttle

I've always thought this is one of the prettiest cars BMW ever made, the 3.0 CSi

The Munch...totally fugly, but you'll have the only one on your block.

A stop at the Hockenheimring on the way back.

And some great Italian food at the Goldene Rose, where the wait staff speaks mostly Italian!

A wonderful Montepulciano

Enough of this sightseeing! Tomorrow begins the ride...Schwarzwald and into France!