Hell's Bells

Hell's Bells

But it's a dry heat.  So's an oven, so's hell.  Time for a weekend north.

Bonnie and I saddle up early Saturday morning, heading to Greer in the White Mountains.  A sleepy little town of, wait for it, 41, according to the 2010 census.  The 3 locals at the Molly Butler bar put that number now "about 50."

A quick highway shot out to Willcox, then north to Bonita, Mule Creek Pass and into New Mexico.

Ready to go

Just north of Willcox

Lots of smoke from the Frye Fire, my eyes are just now recovering!!

After the Bear Wallow Fire in 2011, the dirt road between Alpine and Big Lake was paved...had to check that out.  Great views and pavement, although the effects of the fire are still clear.

The Molly Butler Lodge

Nice bar and outdoor deck

So how HOT was it??  Saturday and Sunday in Tucson

Saturday and Sunday in Greer

That would be Hell...The ride home Sunday would see a 50 degree swing...thank god for the 'stich and a cooling vest.

What about the Bell??  To ensure I came home in one piece this time, Krisanne gave me a guardian bell before I left...apparently, they don't only work on Harleys...  ;)  The Bell's instructions state:  "legend goes on to say that by attaching a small bell onto your bike, the Evil Road Spirits will become trapped inside the bell where the constant ringing drives them insane, making them lose their grip until they fall to the ground."  Couldn't hurt...

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